【BON音樂】深入認識管弦樂團指揮(三)「Know How V.S. Know Why」以2021年Ammodo指揮大師班為例
Ammodo Conducting Masterclass with Iván Fischer-2
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蹦藝術 | BONART
延伸閱讀 林仁斌老師專訪:
第一部分 | 第二部分 | 第三部分 | 第四部分 | 尾聲 – Piu Allegro |
0:00 – Theme
0:13 – Var.1 Theme is broken up between horns and strings. 0:25 – V.2 The lower strings play the theme in syncopation, above which the winds begin a smooth, wondering line. 0:40 – V.3 The strings now play the theme on the strong beats, while the wondering line is now detached and more threatening. 0:50 – V.4 The first violins begin a broad, arching melody above syncopated off-beat accompaniment. The theme is in the lower strings and bassoon, played in broken octaves. 1:06 – V.5 The strings elaborate on the broad melody. The winds enter with embellishments in clashing polyrhythms. 1:18 – V.6 The contour of the broad melody is changed so that it arches downward. The accompaniment from winds is sparser. 1:31 – V.7 The violins, again taking the lead, introduce sharp dotted figures. The woodwinds provide responses. The theme in the bass also uses these dotted rhythms. 1:45 – V.8 The violins play rapid oscillation figures, ending with cascading triplet arpeggios. 1:59 – V.9 Essentially an embellished, fierier version of the previous variation. 2:14 – V.10 Very softly, the strings and winds pass the theme between each other. The music starts to lose its edge. 2:32 – V.11 Above the chords of variation 10 (now played in broken octaves by lower strings), a beautiful melody forms for a brief moment, before descending scales take us to the next variation. |
2:51 – V.12 The theme is embedded in the long and beautiful, but somewhat halting flute melody. Other instruments provide short off-beat accompanying chords.
3:28 – V.13 The first variation in a major key. The soft, detached off-beat chords continue, as lines from the flute solo are transformed and passed around the orchestra. The notes of the theme are buried inconspicuously in the musical texture. 4:01 – V.14 The trombones transform the theme into a solemn chorale, broken up by expressive silences. 4:36 – V.15 The chorale continues, now with fuller orchestration. |
5:10 – V.16 The previous variation is cut off mid-sentence, as the theme tragically reappears in minor in its most threatening form.
5:21 – V.17 The winds play agitated two-note phrases beginning on the weak beats. The theme is in the string tremolos. 5:31 – V.18 The string tremolos continue, but the detached phrases are replaced with broad swelling gestures. 5:42 – V.19 Strings and horns now alternate with woodwinds on detached, angular lines. 5:52 – V.20 The previous variation is developed into a line with feverish triplet motion and disorienting syncopation. 6:04 – V. 21 The tension increases greatly here, as the flutes and violins play sweeping upward scales against syncopated horn blasts that obscure the meter. 6:14 – V.22 The dynamics quiet down to pianissimo, as an oscillating triplet figuration passes through the orchestra. The winds play descending syncopated chords. The theme is nowhere to be found. 6:24 – V.23 The relation of the previous variation to the theme is revealed, as the theme distinctly reappears in the horns over a more agitated version of the oscillating triplet figuration. |
6:36 – V.24 The theme is broken up between horn blasts and violins, which hang on to the triplet figuration from the previous variations. The structure is similar to variation 1 but in a drastically different mood.
6:46 – V.25 This variation is similar to variation 2, but again, much more powerful and dramatic. The wondering line is transferred to forceful violins playing in tremolo, while the rest of the orchestra outlines the theme with off-beat triplets. 6:58 – V.26 Similar to variation 3, but in a more sombre state. The oscillating triplets remain in the strings, with the brass, and later winds taking over the melody. 7:10 – V.27 The music once again manages to arrive at a major tonality. The wind section plays long two-note descends harmonized in thirds, with decorative accompaniment from the strings. 7:21 – V.28 The long two-note descends blossom into a beautiful flowing melody, with triplet accompaniment. 7:32 – V.29 This variation marks the start of the music’s tragic turn back to minor. The strings pluck a series of descending thirds on weak beats, while the rising gestures in the winds further distort the bar line. 7:43 – V.30 The descending thirds now take the foreground, played loudly on the strong beats, and in canonic imitation between violins and lower strings. The winds take over the offbeat accompaniment. |
8:01 – The coda marks the point of no return. The tempo speeds up, with the theme ripping the music apart with biting dissonances and cascading string arpeggios. Diminished (sped-up) versions of the theme appear in exhilarating sequences, before a strong V – I cadence affirms the key of E minor, tragically ending the movement. |
最後一個樂章可能是第四號交響曲,除了第一樂章外最引人注目的一段:第四樂章採用了巴洛克時期以來古老的變奏曲是「夏康舞曲」(Chaconne ),也有人認為此變奏曲式為「帕薩加里亞舞曲」(Passacaglia)。
Brahms – Symphony no.4 (movement 4): Score and Analysis
巴哈:b小調彌撒⟨信經⟩(Credo) – ⟨釘在十架上⟩(Crucifixus)
原 文 歌 詞 |
Crucifixus etiam pro nobis,
Sub Pontio Pilato,
Passus et sepultus est.
中 文 歌 詞 |
指揮大師班 影片一
Katharina Wincor
指揮大師班 影片二
Jaume Santonja
指揮大師班 影片三
Corinna Niemeyer
指揮大師班 影片四
Martijn Dendievel
【BON音樂】管弦樂團專題 – 全球十大交響樂團巡禮 World’s Best 10 Symphony Orchestras
Marin Alsop x NOSPR / masterclass / main session
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【BON音樂】蹦藝術X上海商業儲蓄銀行「豐富人生 X 音樂天地」公益講座:獵劇本高手、獵旋律高手、獵豔高手」:普契尼生平與他的音樂